Visegrád Group Society for Developmental Biology
Supporting excellence in Developmental Biology throughout Czech Republic, Hungary Poland and Slovakia

The REARRANGED Second V4SDB Meeting in Szeged (Hungary) between 2nd - 5th Sept. 2021, EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!
*** APRIL 2021 *** Announcing collaboration with MDPI journal titles (Life & Journal of Developmental Biology) for a joint special issue on the V4SDB Szeged meeting - more details below
The Second V4SDB meeting (in Szeged, Hungary) will be 2nd - 5th September 2021 and EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION is now open!
We are also pleased to announce that all the previously announced speakers have committed themselves to attending and presenting. Please spread the word amongst your colleagues. See you in Szeged in 2021!
EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION (including accommodation details) is now open
Confirmed speakers:
Rafal Ciosk - University of Oslo (Norway)
Gáspár Jékely - University of Exeter (UK)
Angela Nieto - Insitute of Neuroscience, Alicante (Spain)
Andrea Pauli - IMBA-IMP, Vienna (Austria)
Eszter Pósfai - Princetone University (USA)
James Sharpe - EMBL Barcelona (Spain)
András Simon - Karolinska Insitute, Stockholm (Sweden)
Marie-Hélène Verlhac - CRIB, College de France, Paris (France)
Watch this space for more information & registration details - EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION from 2nd March 2020 -
The V4SDB committe are please to confirm the "Company of Biologists/ CoB" as a Partner & Sponsor of the meeting
Please visit the CoB website to learn more of the great work they do to support the Biology community in publishing and much more.

The V4SDB committe are also please to acknowledge the support of the "Visegrad Fund" as a Partner & Sponsor of the meeting (and acknowledge their flexibility in permitting the transfer of funds from the originbally planned 2020 meeting to the rearranged 2021 data - owing to the Coronavirus pandemic).

*** APRIL 2021 ***
In the run-up to the second V4SDB meeting to be held at Szeged ( we have established a collaboration with two MDPI journals, Life and the Journal of Developmental Biology. These two titles will each run a Special Issue (SI) dedicated to the meeting and all registered participants in the meeting will be eligible for publication discounts (200 CHF for papers published in Life and 800 CHF for those published in the Journal of Developmental Biology).
As you are probably aware, the V4SDB was established in 2018 to provide an improved local visibility for developmental biology in our region and to act as an amplifier for the results of its many developmental biologists. We believe that our partnership with Life/JDB SI will provide an excellent conduit to help us to achieve this goal by highlighting some of the results that will be presented at our forthcoming meeting (needless to say, we also welcome contributions from all of our international colleagues to this SI.)
For more information visit the SI websites: