Visegrád Group Society for Developmental Biology
Supporting excellence in Developmental Biology throughout Czech Republic, Hungary Poland and Slovakia

The Second V4SDB Meeting in Szeged (Hungary) 3rd - 6th Sept. 2020
It is with great regret that we have to inform you that our planned 2nd V4SDB meeting (Szeged 2020 - 3rd - 6th September) has been postponed due to the current uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic and what may follow. The V4SDB committe is currently in dialogue with various stakeholders about how we may rearrange a new date for the meeting. As a committee our preferred date would be early September 2021 (i.e. a postponement of one year). However, as we hope you can understand, the situation is currently very fluid. We plan to keep you informed as to how the situation develops (via the usual channels; email, website, facebook) and thank you for your support and patience. Keep safe (and we will meet again!).
Confirmed speakers:
Rafal Ciosk - University of Oslo (Norway)
Gáspár Jékely - University of Exeter (UK)
Angela Nieto - Insitute of Neuroscience, Alicante (Spain)
Andrea Pauli - IMBA-IMP, Vienna (Austria)
Eszter Pósfai - Princetone University (USA)
James Sharpe - EMBL Barcelona (Spain)
András Simon - Karolinska Insitute, Stockholm (Sweden)
Marie-Hélène Verlhac - CRIB, College de France, Paris (France)
Watch this space for more information & registration details - EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION from 2nd March 2020 -
The V4SDB committe are please to confirm the "Company of Biologists/ CoB" as a Partner & Sponsor of the meeting
Please visit the CoB website to learn more of the great work they do to support the Biology community in publishing and much more.