Visegrád Group Society for Developmental Biology
Supporting excellence in Developmental Biology throughout Czech Republic, Hungary Poland and Slovakia
This web page addresses given below (in this banner) provide an excellent and up to date summary of other developmental biology related meetings, workshops and events around the world. If you would like to advertise/publicise a specific meeting/ event not necessarily listed in one of the given resources below - please email ( or contact the society via Facebook (
- Society Developmental Biology advertised meetings: - Events calendar published by ‘theNODE’ - company of biologists: - British Society for Developmental Biology meetings:
The Company of Biologists Centenary Meeting "Biologists @100" (24-27 March 2025 - Liverpool ACC, UK) by ALEX
The Company of Biologists have just announced their centenary anniversary meeting "Biologists @100"
2025 will mark the 100th anniversary of The Company of Biologists and we will be celebrating this important milestone with activities throughout the year.
As part of our celebrations, we will be organising a unique scientific conference, Biologists @ 100. which will bring together our…
20th International Congress of Developmental Biology (October 18th-22nd 2025) Puerto Rico (USA) by ALEX
We draw your attention to the dates and emerging programme of the 20th International Congress of Developmental Biology to be held in San Juan, Puerto Rico between 18th-22nd June 2025 (organised by the International Society of Developmental Biology/ISDB, Society of Developmental Biology/SDB and Latin American Society of Developmental Biology/LASDB).
Links provided by the SPD:
Homepage -…
Announcing the European Zebrafish Husbandry Association Meeting - EZHAM 2024 by ALEX
Announcing The European Zebrafish Husbandry Association Meeting - EZHAM 2024
Facebook -
On behalf of the Scientific Advisory Board and the Organizing Committee we are cordially inviting you to attend the 2nd European Zebrafish Husbandry Association Meeting. The event is taking place this time at Hungarian University of…
Facebook -
On behalf of the Scientific Advisory Board and the Organizing Committee we are cordially inviting you to attend the 2nd European Zebrafish Husbandry Association Meeting. The event is taking place this time at Hungarian University of…
Annoucing Visegrad Fund Fellowship & Schlaorship travel programs by ALEX
The Visegrad Fund have just announced two calls to support research/teaching travel stays across Central & Eastern Europe - these calls could potentially dovetail with the V4SDB initative to facilitate mobility of our members across the region.
Check out the links below:
Visegrad Scholarship Program
Visegrad scholarships support Master's and post-Master's students and researchers in all…
Check out the links below:
Visegrad Scholarship Program
Visegrad scholarships support Master's and post-Master's students and researchers in all…
12th European Zebrafish Meeting (July 9-13, 2023 - Krakow, Poland) by ALEX
The 12th European Zebrafish Meeting will take place on July 9-13, 2023 in Krakow, Poland. Mark your calendars!
For more information follow this link.
4th CCP Phenogenomics Conference 15th-16th Sepetember 2022 by ALEX
Announcing the th CCP Phenogenomics Conference (hybrid meeting)15th-16th Sepetember 2022 (BIOCEV, near Prague, Czech Republic). Mark it in your diary!
More information:
The 14th Tooth Morphogenesis & Differentiation Meeting 2022 (June 26th - July 1st) by ALEX
Announcing the 14th Tooth Morphogenesis & Differentiation Meeting 2022 (June 26th - July 1st). Mark it in your diary (watch this space for further details)
Location - Prague (Czech Republic)
Regular updates also available onvia Twitter - @TMD Prague
Location - Prague (Czech Republic)
Regular updates also available onvia Twitter - @TMD Prague
International Society of Developmental Biologists (ISDB) 19th International Congress if Developmental Biology (October 16th-20th 2022) Algarve Portugal by ALEX
Announcing the International Society of Developmental Biologists (ISDB) 19th International Congress if Developmental Biology (October 16th-20th 2022) Algarve Portugal
All Details here: (abstract submission deadline 17th June 2022)
V4SDB members are entitled to reduced 'membership' registration fee (as affiliate members of the ISDB)■
2nd Stem Cell Biology Meeting of the Czech Republic & Slovakia (2020) - POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE by ALEX
Announcing the 2nd Stem Cell Biology Meeting of the Czech Republic & Slovakia (plus surrounding countries). 23-24 April 2020. Mark it in your diary (official programme to be released in February 2020) POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE
Regular updates also available on Facebook -
Danube Epigenetics Webinar Series (8th October 2020 - 15.30) by ALEX
Danube Epigenetics Webinar Series (8th October 2020 - 15.30)
The Danube Conference on Epigenetics was cancelled due to the COVID -19 pandemics. The organizers decided to launch the Danube Epigenetics Webinar Series with the original invited speakers of the conference. The webinars will take place every other week on
Thursday at 3:30 pm CET. The series starts on Thursday October 8.…
The Danube Conference on Epigenetics was cancelled due to the COVID -19 pandemics. The organizers decided to launch the Danube Epigenetics Webinar Series with the original invited speakers of the conference. The webinars will take place every other week on
Thursday at 3:30 pm CET. The series starts on Thursday October 8.…
Society for Developmental Biology (SDB - USA) 1st Annual Postdoctoral Seminar Series by ALEX
The Society for Developmental Biology is proud to announce the inaugural speakers for the 1st Annual SDB Postdoctoral Seminar Series. Michael Piacentino from the California Institute of Technology and Natasha O’Brown from Harvard University will present their postdoctoral research on Friday, October 9 at 3:00 PM Eastern Time.
The SDB Postdoctoral Seminar Series is free…
Cilia Meeting/Symposium 2020 (Masaryk University, Brno) 29.06.2020 by ALEX
Announcing Cilia Meeting/Symposium 2020 (Masaryk University, Brno) 29.06.2020
Masaryk University Campus Brno■
2020 bioS/TEM (Electron Microscopy) Meeting, Poland by ALEX
2020 bioS/TEM (Electron Microscopy) Meeting,
April 22nd - 24th 2020, at the Guido Mine in Zabrze (Poland)
More information can be found here■
April 22nd - 24th 2020, at the Guido Mine in Zabrze (Poland)
More information can be found here■
2021 International Society of Developmental Biologist (ISDB) meeting by ALEX
Announcing the 2021 International Society of Developmental Biologist (ISDB) Meeting
October 17th - 21st 2021, Algarve (Portugal)
More information can be found here website.
Note the V4SDB is now an offcially recognised affiliate society of the ISDB!■
October 17th - 21st 2021, Algarve (Portugal)
More information can be found here website.
Note the V4SDB is now an offcially recognised affiliate society of the ISDB!■